Affiliate Professor • Interpretive Specialist
School of Art and Art History; Denver Art Museum

Institutional Affiliation 

Affiliate Professor, School of Art and Art History, University of Denver

Interpretive Specialist, Asian Art, Denver Art Museum


PhD, History of Art, The Ohio State University

Regional and Thematic Interests

 Tibetan and Himalayan studies, contemporary art, Museum studies, South Asian studies, Buddhist art


Sarah Magnatta received her PhD in Art History from The Ohio State University with a specialty in Himalayan and South Asian art. In addition to serving as the Interpretive Specialist of Asian Art at the Denver Art Museum, she is a consultant for the Thangde Gatsal Tibetan Buddhist Art Digital Collection at the University of Denver and a board member of the Asian Art Association.

Selected Publication

2019   Exhibition catalog for Tenzing Rigdol exhibition (forthcoming)

2018   “Place and Identity in Contemporary Tibetan Art,” in “Looking Askance at Himalayan Art” (special issue of the South Asian Studies Journal series) Journal of the British Association for South Asian Studies(ڴǰٳ󳦴dzԲ).

2017   “The Transmission of Buddhist Imagery throughout Asia,” in Linking Asia: Art, Trade, and Devotion, edited by Tianlong Jiao. Denver: Denver Art Museum, 2017.

2017   “Lost Horizon: (Dis)location and Identity in Contemporary Tibetan Art,” ٳ:

An E-mag of Arts and Ideas (January 2017): 

2015   “Online Presence: The Internet and the Fourteenth Dalai Lama,” Journal of the 

Southwest Conference on Asian Studies (vol. 8, September 2015): 23-40.
2008   “Forbidden Image: The 1996 Chinese Ban on Images of the Fourteenth Dalai Lama,” Stanford Journal of East Asian Affairs, vol. 8 no. 1, (Winter 2008): 44-55.