Published: Feb. 8, 2016
(Un)moved Martin F. Manalansan CU 麻豆影院

Join us this Thursday, February 11, for a talk by Martin F. Manalansan IV on "(Un)moved: The Paradoxes of Disaffection among Undocumented Queer Immigrants." Dr. Manalansan is聽Associate Professor of Anthropology and Asian American Studies, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign,聽author of Global Divas: Filipino Gay Men in the Diaspora.

Focusing on a household of undocumented queer immigrants living in a cramped apartment in New York City, the presentation "feels" its way through their everyday narratives of pathos, exuberance and disaffection as they navigate precarious conditions and seemingly impossible plights.聽This is an ethnography of affect that works through and "feels out" a vernacular map of subaltern queer life as constituted by mess and impossibility while buttressed by a scaffolding of longings, aspirations and hope.

Dr. Manalansan's talk begins at 5:00 p.m. and will be held in Hale 230.

This event is co-sponsored by the Department of Women & Gender Studies, LGBTQ Studies Program, Center for Asian Studies, Department of English, Department of Anthropology, and Department of Ethnic Studies.