Published: Aug. 29, 2013

As part of our annual luncheonÌýmedia arts lecture series at the BC, we are happy to confirm Matt Soar for March 3, 2014. Soar is an intermedia artist,Ìýdesigner, and filmmaker, and associate professor of CommunicationÌýStudies at Concordia University in Montreal. He is co-developer of theÌýKorsakow System, an open source software application for interactive,Ìýnonlinear storytelling. His most recent Korsakow film, Ceci N’est PasÌýEmbres (2012), a ‘database diary’ reflecting on life in a small FrenchÌývillage, was recently selected for RIDM – the Montreal InternationalÌýDocumentary Festival. Soar’s eclectic writing has appeared in journalsÌýsuch as Cultural Studies, Jump Cut, Body & Society, and Eye: TheÌýInternational Review of Graphic Design. He has contributed to theÌýforthcoming anthologies Dynamic Fair Dealing (University of TorontoÌýPress) and New Documentary Ecologies (Palgrave). Soar also collectsÌýold signs and is an aspiring voiceover artist.

March 3rd, 2014 — Matt Soar
Lost Leaders: Exploring the metadata of film

My current research-creation project explores the meanings ofÌýcommercial film leaders: the ‘hidden’ footage at the beginning of aÌýfilm reel, littered with all kinds of esoteric markings: logos, labÌýnotes, handwriting and type, color tests, projection cues – oftenÌýtaking up only one or two frames each. Leaders are doubly ‘lost’ dueÌýto their routine invisibility from the audience, and their impendingÌýobsolescence. Working with a sound artist (Jackie Gallant) and aÌývariety of tools – a lightbox and a macro lens, a DSLR video cameraÌýattached to a high-powered microscope, interactive narrative softwareÌý– Lost Leaders aims to be an extended poetic engagement with theÌýmetadata of film; the graphical residue of film processing, printing,Ìýand projection.


Matt Soar will be speaking from 11:30am to 12:30pm, in the ATLAS building, room 311.