Professor • Director, Crawford Family WHOLE Student-Athlete Program
Psychology and Neuroscience • Center for Neuroscience

Office: Muenzinger D351B

Education: PhD, University of Texas at Austin, 1988

Research Interests: Our clinically-based program of research focuses on improving the lives of individuals affected by traumatic brain injury (TBI), stroke and the adverse consequences of stress, including Veterans, athletes and individuals with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In trying to develop new treatment options, we take into account current treatments (their successes and limitations) and explore the potential of novel interventions, particularly those stemming from Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). To this end, we conduct randomized, placebo-controlled, blinded trials of acupressure in those with TBI and/or PTSD.

Dr. Hernández is currently serving as for the College of Arts & Sciences.

Donate to Professory Hernández's research!!

Stress reduction research 

Traumatic brain injury researchÂ