
  • Project Tesserae: Longitudinal Multimodal Modeling of Individuals in Naturalistic ContextsI will describe our team’s efforts on a two-year Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) program called MOSAIC - Multimodal Objective Sensing
  • QUBO Models in Optimization, Machine Learning, and Quantum ComputingThe Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization (QUBO) model has gained prominence in recent years with the discovery that it unifies a rich variety of combinatorial optimization
  • Modeling Real Behavior in Two-Person Differential GamesIn the behavioral sciences, games and game theory have long been the tools of choice for studying strategic behavior. However, the most commonly studied games involve only small numbers of
  • Set Values for Nonzero Sum Games With Multiple EquilibriumsNonzero sum games typically have multiple Nash equilibriums (or no equilibriums), and unlike zero sum games, they may have different values at different equilibriums. While most
  • Experimental Observation of Spin-Wave Fractals A fractal is a shape made of parts each of which is similar to the whole in some way.  One can group fractals into two main categories, (i) exact fractals in which the same feature replicates
  • Cluster Synchronization in Networks with SymmetriesWe first review the master stability function (MSF) approach to synchronization of networks of coupled identical oscillators. The original formulation proposed by Pecora and Carroll applies to the
  • Title: Flying snakes, attracting manifolds, and the trajectory divergence rateAbstract: Inspired by the gliding behavior of the paradise tree snake, Chrysopelea paradisi, I will discuss a simplified model for passive aerodynamic flight
  • Optimal transport for seismic inversion: tackling the nonlinearity.  Full waveform inversion (FWI) is a seismic imaging method which is now part of the conventional imaging workflow in the industry. It is also used for global and regional
  • Data-driven modeling of zebrafish individual and collective behaviorZebrafish have recently emerged as an important animal model in preclinical studies due to their genetic similarity with humans and ease of use in laboratory studies. Along with
  • Computational Complexity, Dynamical Systems, and Non-Convex OptimizationFor a given computational problem, computational complexity asks the question of the resources needed - such as time, space, energy - by anyalgorithm which solves the
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