Particle laden thin films: theory and experiment
Joint colloquium withÂ
Date and time:Â
Friday, February 13, 2015 - 3:00pm
ECCR 265
Modeling of particle laden flow, especially in the case of higher particle concentrations, does not readily allow for first principles models. Rather, semi-empirical models of the bulk dynamics require careful comparision with experiments. Â At UCLA we have developed this theory for the geometry of viscous thin film flow with non-neutrally buoyant particles. Â We have found that for these slower flows, that diffusive flux models, involving a balance between shear-induced migration and hindered settling, can provide reasonably accurate predictive models. Â I will discuss the current state of this work including recent extensions to bidensity slurries and the relevant mathematics needed to understand the dynamics. Â Lubrication theory can be derived for this problem and results in a coupled system of conservation laws including regular shock dynamics and singular shocks. I will also briefly discuss relevant applications such as spiral separators.