Past Seminars
Fall 2024
Date | Who | Affiliation | Title | Time | Location |
Fri, Sept. 6 | Zach Sunberg | Smead Aerospace | Breaking the Curse of Dimensionality in Decision-Making for Autonomous Systems | 10:40 a.m. | AERO 114 |
Fri, Sept. 13 | Mike Moreau | NASA Goddard | OSIRIS-REx Panel: To Bennu and Back | 10:40 a.m. | AERO 120 |
Fri, Sept. 20 | Francisco L贸pez Jim茅nez | Smead Aerospace | Geometry and Mechanics听in the Design of Aerospace Structures | 10:40 a.m. | AERO 111 |
Fri, Sept. 27 | Natasha Bosanac | Smead Aerospace | Advancing Spacecraft Trajectory Design, Analysis, and Prediction within Multi-Body Systems | 10:40 a.m. | AERO 114 |
Fri, Oct. 4 | Morteza Lahajanian | Smead Aerospace | Safe Autonomy: Are We There Yet? Unifying Learning, Control, and Decision-Making through Formal Reasoning | 10:40 a.m. | AERO 111 |
Fri, Oct. 18 | Keith Gremban | Smead Aerospace | A GHOST in 5G Security | 10:40 a.m. | AERO 111 |
Fri, Nov. 1 | Oliver de Weck | MIT | Roadmapping the Future of Technology: In Space and on Earth | 10:40 a.m. | AERO 111 |
Fri, Nov 15 | Todd Walter 听听 | Stanford University | Cybersecurity for the Global Positioning System (GPS) | 10:40 a.m. | AERO 111 |
Fri, Nov 22 | Javier Jimenez | Royal Academy of Sciences of Spain | Fake Turbulence | 10:40 a.m. | AERO 111 |
Mon, Dec. 2 | Dan Jablonsky 听 | CEO, Ursa Major 听 | The Future of Space Propulsion | 4:00 p.m. | AERO N250 |
Fri, Dec. 6 | Demoz Gebre-Egziabher | Univ of Minn, Twin Cities | SEMINAR CANCELLED | 10:40 a.m. | AERO 111 |
Spring 2024
Date | Who | Affiliation | Title | Time | Location |
Fri, Jan. 19 | Pete Worden | Breakthrough Foundation, Former NASA Ames Head | Life in the Universe and Private Sector Space Science Initiatives | 10:40 a.m. | AERO 120 |
Tue, Jan. 23 | Tory Bruno | United Launch Alliance CEO | The Future of Rocket Technology and the Launch Industry | 4:00 p.m. | AERO 111 |
Fri, Jan. 26 | Ping Lu | San Diego State University | Aerospace Guidance: From Apollo to Artemis and Beyond | 10:40 a.m. | AERO 120 |
Fri, Feb. 2 | Clare Atzert | US Navy | Naval Nuclear Propulsion | 10:40 a.m. | AERO 120 |
Mon, Feb. 19 | Christine Hartzell | University of Maryland | Dust in the (Solar) Wind: Investigations of Orbital Debris and Asteroid Evolution | 9:30 a.m. | AERO 114 |
Wed, Feb. 21 | Tam Nguyen | MIT Lincoln Laboratory | Discovery of Faint Space Objects: An Efficient and Versatile Methodology | 9:30 a.m. | AERO 111 |
Fri, Feb 23 | R. Scott Erwin | Air Force Research Laboratory | Autonomy, AI, and Space Systems: An AFRL Perspective | 10:40 a.m. | AERO 120 |
Fri, Mar. 1 | Daniel Polis | Sierra Space | Materials Engineering Enabling Space Exploration in the Most Extreme Environments | 10:40 a.m. | AERO 120 |
Mon, Mar. 4 | James Ferlez | DARPA Innovation Fellow | Assured Autonomy for Learning-enabled Systems | 9:30 a.m. | AERO 111 |
Wed, Mar. 6 | Yutian Pang | Thales | Machine Learning-enhanced Predictive Modeling in Air Traffic Management | 9:30 a.m. | AERO 111 |
Fri, Mar. 8 | Richard Linares | MIT | Orbital Carrying Capacity and its Implication on Space Sustainability | 10:40 a.m. | AERO 120 |
Mon, Mar. 11 | Joshua Knobloch | JILA | Probing Thermal Transport and Mechanical Properties in Nano-Enhanced Composites using Novel Deep Ultraviolet Tools | 9:30 a.m. | AERO 111 |
Fri, Mar. 15 | Mike Moreau | NASA Goddard | Postponed due to weather | 10:40 a.m. | AERO 120 |
Mon, Mar. 18 | Paula do Vale Pereira | Florida Institute of Technology | Aiming to Explore Deep Space Through Space Robotics and Technology Demonstrations | 9:30 a.m. | AERO 111 |
Wed, Mar. 20 | Vishala Arya | NASA JPL | Simultaneous Space Mission Design, Control & Guidance | 9:30 a.m. | AERO 111 |
Mon, Apr. 1 | Alia Khan | Western Washington University | Multi-spectral Remote Sensing and Retrieval of Snow Algae and Light Absorbing Particles in Snow with Commercial SmallSat data, UAVs, and Robotic Sampling | 9:30 a.m. | AERO 111 |
Wed, Apr. 3 | Anastasia Bizyaeva | University of Washington | Taming the Swarm: Toward Robust and Flexible Bio-inspired Autonomy | 9:30 a.m. | AERO 111 |
Fri, Apr. 5 | Mahmoud Hussein | Smead Aerospace | Harmonics dispersion relation: A new fundamental theory of strongly nonlinear waves | 10:40 a.m. | AERO 120 |
Fri, Apr. 6 | Cyrus Neary | UT Austin PhD Student | Engineering AI Systems and AI for Engineering: Compositionality and Physics in Learning | 9:30 a.m. | AERO 111 |
Fri, Apr. 12 | Simone D'Amico | Stanford | Autonomous Miniaturized Distributed Space Systems | 10:40 a.m. | AERO 120 |
Fri, Apr. 26 | Abigail Juhl | Air Force Research Laboratory | Controlling Instabilities in Flow with Phononic Subsurfaces | 10:40 a.m. | AERO 120 |
Tue, Apr. 30 | Dan Caruso | Caruso Ventures | Entrepreneurship, Raising Capital and the Future of Investments in Aerospace and Tech | 4:00 p.m. | AERO 111 |
Fall 2023
Date | Who | Affiliation | Title | Time | Location |
Fri, Sept. 8 | Luke Burks | Aurora Flight Sciences | Human-Centered Autonomy: Cognitive State Estimation for Aerospace Applications | 10:40 am | AERO 120 |
Fri, Sept. 15 | Maryam Shakiba | Smead Aerospace | Physics-based Modeling of Materials: Finite Element and Data-Driven Approaches | 10:40 am | AERO 120 |
Fri, Sept. 22 | Allison Anderson | Smead Aerospace | Measuring and mitigating the effects of spaceflight on human health and performance | 10:40 am | AERO 120 |
Fri, Sept. 29 | Shawn Hendricks | Orbit Fab | One Drop of Fuel Changes Everything | 10:40 am | AERO 120 |
Fri, Oct. 13 | Sanghamitra Neogi | Smead Aerospace | From Atoms to Devices: Designing Materials for Future Devices | 10:40 am | AERO 120 |
Fri, Oct. 20 | Justin Cyrus | Lunar Outpost | A New Paradigm in Cislunar Space | 10:40 am | AERO 120 |
Fri, Oct. 27 | Panagiotis Tsiotras | Georgia Tech | The Next Frontier: Challenges and Opportunities in Developing Truly Autonomous Space Robots | 10:40 am | AERO 120 |
Fri, Nov. 3 | Tom Schwartzentruber | University of Minnesota | New Modeling Capability for Hypersonic Flow Physics | 10:40 am | AERO 120 |
Tue, Nov. 7 | Charles Hoke | University of New South Wales | Fundamentals of Rocket Propulsion | 8:45 am | AERO 114 |
Fri, Nov. 10 | Rebecca Mikula | Smead Aerospace PhD Student | Finding Organic Dust in the Solar System: An Intersection of Physics, Chemistry, and Engineering | 10:40 am | AERO 120 |
Mon, Nov. 27 | Jacky Cai | University of Dayton PhD Student | Aircraft Design, Aircraft Constraint Diagram | 9:35 a.m. | AERO 232 |
Tue, Nov. 28 | Karen Martinez Soto | Virginia Tech PhD Student | Drone and Small VTOL Vehicle Design | 8:30 a.m. | AERO N240 |
Fri, Dec. 1 | James Warner | NASA Langley | A.I. for Aerospace: Bridging the Gap Between Data-Driven and Physics-Based Modeling | 10:40 am | AERO 120 |
Spring 2023
Fall 2022
Spring 2022
Fall 2021
Date | Who | Affiliation | Title | Time | Location |
Wed, Aug. 25 | Mark Sirangelo | Smead Aerospace | Public Private Partnerships - The Future of Aerospace? | 4:30 p.m. | Zoom |
Wed, Sept. 8 | Natasha Bosanac | Smead Aerospace | Advancing Trajectory and Maneuver Design Strategies within Multi-Body Systems | 12:00 p.m. | Zoom |
Fri, Sept. 10 | Terry Fong | NASA Ames Research Center | Human-Robot Teaming: From space robotics to self-driving cars | 12:00 p.m. | Zoom |
Mon, Sept. 13 | Zoya Popovic | CU 麻豆影院 ECEE | High-Performance RF Circuits | 12:00 p.m. | Zoom |
Mon, Sept. 20 | Morteza Lahajanian | Smead Aerospace | Towards Assured, Reliable, and Interactive Autonomy | 12:00 p.m. | Zoom |
Wed, Sept. 22 | Mike Griffin | Former NASA Director | Aerospace, Space and Technology Trends to 2030 and Beyond | 4:00 p.m. | Zoom |
Wed, Sept. 22 | Francisco Lopez Jimenez | Smead Aerospace | High Strain Composites for Deployable Structures | 12:00 p.m. | Zoom |
Mon, Sept. 27 | Bob Marshall | Smead Aerospace | Science, Engineering, and Education with Cubesats for Space Science | 12:00 p.m. | Zoom |
Fri, Oct 1 | David Darmofal | MIT AeroAstro, Byram Distinguished Visiting Professor | Educational and Research Opportunities in Aerospace and Computing | 12:00 p.m. | AERO 114 + Zoom |
Mon, Oct. 4 | John Evans | Smead Aerospace | Data-Driven Turbulence Modeling and Simulation | 12:00 p.m. | Zoom |
Wed, Oct. 6 | Tomoko Matsuo | Smead Aerospace | A Journey from the Earth to Geospace: Exploring Predictability of Near-Earth Space Environments Through Ensemble-Based Probabilistic Modeling, Data Assimilation, and Observing-System Design | 12:00 p.m. | Zoom |
Tues, Oct. 12 | Jim Hansen | U.S. Naval Research Laboratory | Naval Research Lab Multi-disciplinary Research in Marine Meterology and Atmospheric Sciences | 11:30 a.m. | AERO 114 |
Wed, Oct. 13 | Zoltan Sternovsky | Smead Aerospace & LASP | Dust Detector and Analyzer Instruments | 12:00 p.m. | AERO 114 |
Wed, Oct. 20 | Keith Gremban & Mark Sirangelo | Smead Aerospace | 5G and the Frontier of Spectrum Sharing - How is it being implemented and what is its future? | 4:30 p.m. | Zoom |
Fri, Oct. 22 | Soheil Fatehiboroujeni | Cornell University Postdoc | Pressure Vessels: Theory and Design Problems | 8:00 a.m. | Zoom |
Mon, Oct. 25 | Mudasar Zahoor | King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia | Principal Stresses and Static Failure Theories | 8:00 a.m. | Zoom |
Fri, Oct 29 | Kapil Gangwar | Oregon Institute of Technology | Aerospace Truss Assemblies | 8:00 a.m. | Zoom |
Fri, Oct 29 | Peter Hamlington | CU 麻豆影院 Mechanical Engineering | Structure and Dynamics of Buoyant Jets and Plumes | 12:00 p.m. | AERO 114 + Zoom |
Wed, Nov. 3 | Neil deGrasse Tyson and Mark Sirangelo | Hayden Planetarium | Space, science and technology trends and where will opportunities be in the future? | 4:30 p.m. | Zoom |
Fri, Nov. 5 | David Fridovich-Keil | UT Austin | A Brief Tour of Dynamic Games for Multi-Agent Modeling听 | 12:00 p.m. | AERO 114 |
Wed, Nov. 17 | Rob Geckle + Mark Sirangelo | Airbus US Space and Defense + Smead Aerospace | The Future of the U.S. Aerospace and Space industry and technology & job trends you should know | 4:30 p.m. | Zoom |
Mon, Nov. 29 | Subhayan De | Smead Aerospace Postdoc | Machine Learning Techniques for Modeling and Design under Uncertainty | 12:00 p.m. | AERO N240 + Zoom |
Fri, Dec. 3 | Jack Elston | BlackSwift Technologies, AES alumnus | Observing an Active Volcano with Unmanned Aircraft - A Pathfinder Mission for Beyond Line-of-Sight Operations | 12:00 p.m. | AERO 114 |
Wed, Dec. 15 | Mark Esper + Mark Sirangelo | Former Secretary of Defense + Smead Aerospace | Our changing world, global trends and the value of government service | 4:30 p.m. | Zoom |
Spring 2021
Fall 2020
Date | Who | Affiliation | Title | Time |
Fri, Sept. 4 | Allie Anderson | Smead Aerospace | Measuring and mitigating the effects of spaceflight on human health and performance | 12:30 p.m. |
Fri, Sept. 11 | Keith Gremban | CU 麻豆影院 Computer Science | Passive and Active Spectrum Sharing | 12:30 p.m. |
Fri, Sept. 18 | Nisar Ahmed | Smead Aerospace | Cooperative Bayesian Intelligence for Aerospace Autonomy | 12:30 p.m. |
Fri, Sept. 25 | Jay McMahon | Smead Aerospace | Autonomous Guidance, Navigation and Control for Small Body Exploration (and beyond!) | 12:30 p.m. |
Tue, Oct. 13 | Mark Sirangelo | Smead Aerospace | The Creation, Mission and Future of the United States Space Force - Part 1 | 4:00 p.m. |
Fri, Oct. 16 | James Head | Brown University | Increasing Science Capabilities in the Apollo Lunar Exploration Program | 12:30 p.m. |
Tue, Nov. 3 | Donna Gerren, Bobby Hodgkinson, Nicholas Rainville. | Smead Aerospace | 听 | 4:30 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. |
Fri, Nov. 6 | Hisham Ali | Georgia Tech | Magnetohydrodynamics and Planetary Entry | 12:30 p.m. |
Tue, Nov. 10 | Mark Sirangelo | Smead Aerospace | The Creation, Mission and Future of the United States Space Force - Part 2 | 4:00 p.m. |
Fri, Nov 13 | Alireza Doostan | Smead Aerospace | Uncertainty Quantification and Data Management in Complex System Modeling: A Multi-fidelity Approach | 12:30 p.m. |
Tue, Dec 1 | Kathryn Wingate, John Mah | Smead Aerospace | 听 | 4:30 p.m. - 5:45 p.m |
Thu, Dec. 3 | Melvin Rafi | Wichita State University | Aircraft Dynamics, Stability, and Control: Sensors and Feedback | 9:00 a.m. |
Fri, Dec 4 | Delores Knipp | Smead Aerospace | An Academic Home for a 鈥淣on-conforming鈥 Space Scientist | 12:30 p.m. |
Tue, Dec. 8 | Mark Sirangelo | Smead Aerospace | Life Beyond the Pandemic - How to Have a New Hope for 2021 and Beyond | 4:00 p.m. |
Spring 2020
Date | Who | Affiliation | Title | Time | Place |
Thu, Jan. 23 | Tim Minton | Montana State University | Studies of Gas-Surface Interactions Applied to Space Technology | 10:00 a.m. | AERO 111 |
Fri, Jan. 31 | Diane Davis | a.i. Solutions | The Great Gateway Escape: Departing Flows in Near Rectilinear Halo Orbits | 12:30 p.m. | AERO 120 |
Mon, Feb. 10 | Steve Nerem | Smead Aerospace | Satellite Altimeter and Gravity Measurements: What they are telling us about how the Earth is changing | 12:30 p.m. | AERO 111 |
Wed, Feb. 12 | Monique McClain | Purdue University | Additive Manufacturing of Viscous Materials: Development and Characterization of 3D Printed Energetic and Composite Structures | 4:30 p.m. | AERO 114 |
Fri, Feb. 28 | Delores Knipp | Smead Aerospace | How a CU Space Education Saved the World (REALLY!) and other stories from Space Weather | 12:30 p.m. | AERO 120 |
Mon, Mar. 9 | Jim Brasseur | Smead Aerospace | Interscale Turbulence-Chemistry Dynamics with Reduced Basis Representations for Application to LES Modeling | 12:30 p.m. | AERO 111 |
Mon, Mar. 16 | Louis Stodieck | Smead Aerospace | Of Mice and Men (and Women): Staying Physically Fit while Travelling in Space | 12:30 p.m. | AERO 111 |
Fall 2019
Date | Who | Affiliation | Time | Place |
Thu, Aug. 29 | Arun Majumdar | Stanford University | 11:30 a.m. | AERO 114 |
Wed, Sept. 4 | Torin Clark | Smead Aerospace | 2:30 p.m. | AERO 111 |
Wed, Sept 18 | Tomoko Matsuo | Smead Aerospace | 2:30 p.m. | AERO 111 |
Fri, Sep 27听 | Kai James | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign听听 | 12:30 p.m. | AERO 120 |
Wed, Oct. 9 | Massimo Ruzzene | CU 麻豆影院 | 2:30 p.m. | AERO N240 |
Wed, Oct 16 | Jim Nabity | Smead Aerospace | 2:30 p.m. | AERO 111 |
Thu, Oct. 17 | Penina Axelrad | Smead Aerospace | 5:30 p.m. | AERO 120 |
Fri, Oct. 25 | Richard Murray | California Institute of Technology | 12:30 p.m. | AERO 120 |
Fri, Nov. 8 | Lara Waldrop | University of Illinois | 12:30 p.m. | AERO 120 |
Tue, Nov. 12 | Geoff McHarg | U.S. Air Force Academy | 12:00 p.m. | AERO 114 |
Fri, Nov. 15 | Kristi Morgansen | University of Washington | 12:30 p.m. | AERO 111 |
Fri, Nov. 22 | Karen Mulleners | EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland | 12:30 p.m. | AERO 111 |
Wed, Dec. 11 | Trudy Schwartz | Smead Aerospace | 2:30 p.m. | AERO 114 |
Spring 2019
Type | Date | Who | Affiliation | Time | Place |
听 | Fri, Jan. 11th | Evan Thomas | Mortenson Center / Smead Aerospace | 12:00 PM | DLC |
听 | Mon. Jan. 14 | Iain Boyd | University of Michigan | 12:00 PM | DLC |
Tues, Jan. 22 | Stephen B. Leisenring | Colorado PTAC | 12:00 PM | DLC | |
听 | Wed, Jan. 23 | Paul Constantine | CU 麻豆影院 Computer Science | 12:00 PM | DLC |
听 | Thu, Jan. 24 | Douglas Fletcher | University of Vermont | 12:00 PM | DLC |
听 | Mon, Jan 28 | Ken Jansen | Smead Aerospace | 12:00 PM | DLC |
听 | Thu, Jan. 31 | Missy Cummings | Duke University | 4:45 PM | DLC |
听 | Fri, Feb. 8 | Richard Eastes | LASP & Florida Space Institute | 12:00 PM | DLC |
听 | Mon, Feb. 11 | Robyn Macdonald | University of Minnesota | 12:00 PM | DLC |
听 | Thurs, Feb 14 | Jeff Chancellor | Texas A&M | 12:00 PM | DLC |
听 | Mon, Feb. 18 | Zachary Sunberg | University of California, Berkeley | 12:00 PM | DLC |
Wed, Feb 20 | Katherine E. Mills | Office of Research Integrity & Compliance | 12:00 PM | DLC | |
听 | Fri, Feb 22 | Mimi Aung | JPL | 12:00 PM | ECCR 265 |
听 | Mon, Feb. 25 | Suman Chakravorty | Texas A&M | 12:00 PM | DLC |
听 | Fri, Mar 1 | Jan Hesthaven | Ecole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne | 3:00 PM | ECCR 265 |
听 | Mon, Mar 4 | Xinzhao Chu | Smead Aerospace & CIRES | 12:00 PM | DLC |
听 | Wed, Mar 6 | Sergio Pellegrino | Caltech - Byram Dist. Visiting Professor | 12:00 PM | DLC |
听 | Thu, Mar 7 | Derek Paley | University of Maryland | 12:00 PM | DLC |
听 | Thu, Mar 7 | Sara Spangelo & Benjamin Longmier | Co-Founders of Swarm | 3:00 PM | DLC |
听 | Fri, Mar 8 | Mariel Borowitz | Georgia Tech | 12:00 PM | DLC |
听 | Mon, Mar 11 | Leia Stirling | MIT | 2:00 PM | ECCR 245 |
听 | Thurs, Mar 14 | Olive Stohlman | NASA Langley | 4:00 PM | DLC |
听 | Fri, Mar 15 | Giuseppe Romano | MIT | 12:00 PM | DLC |
听 | Wed, Mar 20 | Jill Seubert | JPL | 12:00 PM | DLC |
听 | Thu, Mar 21 | Dennis Kochmann | ETH Zurich | 12:00 PM | Onizuka |
听 | Thu, April 4 | Trond Kvamsdal | Norwegian University of Science and Technology | 4:00 PM | Onizuka |
听 | Fri, Apr 5 | John Logsdon听 | George Washington University Space Policy Institute | 12:30 PM | DLC |
听 | Mon, April 8 | Lakshmi Kantha | Smead Aerospace | 4:00 PM | DLC |
听 | Wed, Apr 10 | Michael Furlong | NASA Ames Intelligent Robotics Group | 12:00 PM | DLC |
听 | Wed, Apr 17 | Christos Vassilicos | Imperial College London - AESys Visiting Scholar | 12:00 PM | DLC |
听 | Wed, Apr 24 | Brian Argrow | Smead Aerospace | 5:00 PM | MATH 100 |
Events tagged with "ASV" are AeroSpace Ventures Professional Development Series Seminars.
Fall 2018
Date | Who | Affiliation | Time | Location |
Wed, Sep 12 | John Farnsworth | CU 麻豆影院 | 12:00 PM | DLC |
Fri, Sep 14 | Amy Pritchett | Penn State Aerospace Engineering | 12:00 PM | DLC |
Wed, Sep. 19 | Bob Marshall | CU 麻豆影院 | 12:00 PM | DLC |
Fri, Sep. 28 | Les Johnson | NASA Marshall | 12:00 PM | DLC |
Fri, Oct 5 | Jay McMahon | CU 麻豆影院 | 12:00 PM | DLC |
Wed, Oct 10 | Sanghamitra Neogi | CU 麻豆影院 | 12:00 PM | DLC |
Wed. Oct. 17 | Russell Carpenter | NASA Goddard | 12:00 PM | DLC |
Thu, Oct 25 | Keith Belvin | NASA Langley | 11:00 AM, reception to follow | Wolf Law 204 |
Fri, Oct 26 | Ufuk Topcu | University of Texas at Austin | 2:00 PM | Seebass (ECAE 153) |
Mon, Oct 29 | Mahmoud Hussein | CU 麻豆影院 | 12:00 PM | DLC |
Fri, Nov 2 | Richard "Scott" Erwin | Air Force Research Laboratory | 12:00 PM | DLC |
Fri, Nov 9 | Victoria Nneji | Duke Robotics Lab | 12:00 PM | DLC |
Fri, Nov 9 | Stephan Ord | NASA Ames | 10:00 AM | Benson 180 |
Fri, Nov 30 | Will Whitacre | Draper Labs | 12:00 PM | DLC |
Wed, Dec 5 | Kristine Larson, Distinguished Research Lecture | Smead Aerospace / Research & Innovation Office | 4:00 PM | Glenn Miller, UMC |
Fri, Dec 7 | Jelliffe Jackson (Reappointment Seminar) | Smead Aerospace | 12:00 PM | DLC |
Spring 2018
Feb. 9, 2018 -Mory Gharib, Caltech Aero Director, 12:00 p.m., DLC
Feb. 14, 2018 -Dan Scheeres, Smead Aerospace, 12:00 p.m., DLC
Feb. 16, 2018 -Jaemyung Ahn, Assoc. Professor at KAIST, 12:00 p.m., Clark Conference Room
Feb. 23, 2018 -Angel Abbud-Madrid, CO School of Mines, 12:00 p.m., Koelbel 210
Mar. 2, 2018 - NASA Visit with Jack Fischer, Fiske Planetarium
Mar. 8, 2018 -Mostafa Nouh, University at Buffalo, 10:00 a.m., Onizuka
Mar. 16, 2018 - Dan Baker, LASP, 12:00 p.m., Koelbel 210
Mar. 23, 2018 - Katepalli Sreenivasan, New York University, 12:00 p.m., DLC
Apr. 6, 2018 - Farah Alibay, NASA JPL, 12:00 p.m., DLC
Apr. 11, 2018 - Rob Manning, JPL Engineering and Science Directorate, 12:00 p.m., DLC
Apr. 16, 2018 - Hanspeter Schaub, Smead Aerospace, 12:00 p.m., Clark Conference Room
Apr. 18, 2018 -Carlos Felippa, Smead Aerospace, 12:00 p.m., DLC
Apr. 25, 2018 - Scott Palo, Smead Aerospace, 12:00 p.m., DLC
Apr. 26, 2018 - Tucker Hamilton, 2:00 p.m., Clark Conference Room
Apr. 27, 2018 - Dimitra Panagou, University of Michigan, 12:00 p.m., ECCR 340
Fall 2017
Dec.听1, 2017: Nisar Ahmed,听Smead Aerospace - 12:00 PM, Clark Conference Room (ECAD 150)
Nov.听6, 2017: , Georgia Tech - 12:00 PM, DLC
Nov. 1, 2017:Eric Frew,听Smead Aerospace - 12:00 PM, DLC
Oct.听6, 2017: Alex Smits, Princeton University - 12:00 PM, DLC
Sept. 18, 2017: Erik Komendera, NASA Langley - 4:00 PM, DLC
Sept. 25, 2017: Christopher Williams, CIRES - 12:00 PM, Onizuka
Spring 2017
February 1, 2017Marcin Pilinski, Atmospheric and Space Technology (ASTRA) Research Associates - 5:00 PM, Fleming 157
February 2, 2017 Moriba Jah , Director of Space Object Behavioral Sciences at the University of Arizona - 4:00 PM, DLC
February 10, 2017Laurren Kanner, Terra Bella Technical Product Manager - 11:00 AM, KOBL S125
February 13, 2017 Richard Hieb, Astronaut and Lockheed Martin Executive - 11:00 AM, DLC
March 3, 2017Graham Candler, Professor, Aerospace Engineering & Mechanics at the University of Minnesota - 12:00 PM, ECCR 151
March 8, 2017Chris Heckman, Assistant Professor, Computer Science at CU 麻豆影院 - 12:00 PM, ECCR 151
March 17, 2017Daniel Szafir, Assistant Professor, ATLAS and Computer Science at CU 麻豆影院 - 12:00 PM, ECCR 151
April 14, 2017 Mohamed Gad-el-Hak, Professor, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering at Virginia Commonwealth University - 12:00 PM, ECCR 151
April 19, 2017Robert Singleterry, NASA Langley Research Center - 12:00 PM
April 21, 2017 Student Projects Symposium - 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM,听DLC
April 24, 2017Margarita Marinova, Vehicle Systems and Propulsion Engineer, SpaceX - 12:00 PM, DLC Collaboratory
April 26, 2017Jeff Thayer, Professor, Smead Aerospace at CU 麻豆影院 - 12:00 PM, ECCR 151
April 28, 2017 Iain Boyd, Professor, Aerospace at the University of Michigan - 12:00 PM, ECCR 151
Fall 2016
Sept 14, 2016Mark Kammeyer of Boeing 鈥 12:00 PM, Discovery Learning Center (DLC)
Sept 19, 2016 John A. Evans, Assistant Prof in AES 鈥 12:00 PM, DLC
Sept 26, 2016Jim Nabity, Assistant Prof in AES 鈥 12:00 PM, DLC
Sept 28, 2016 Tom Woods, LASP, On the Award-Winning Cubesat, MinXSS 鈥 12:00 PM, DLC
Oct 7, 2016Missy Cummings, Duke University 鈥 3:00 PM, Fiske Planetarium
Oct 17, 2016Distinguished Lecture, Vijay Kumar, Dean of the College of Engineering, University of Pennyslvania 鈥 12:15 PM, Wolf Law, Rm 204
Nov 9, 2016 Peter Hamlington, Asst Prof in Mechanical Engr 鈥 12:00 PM,听DLC
Spring 2016
January 15 - Richard Barhydt, "NASA Aeronautics Research 鈥 Key Challenges and Contributions" See flyer for more information.
2:00-3:00, DLC Collaboratory
February 2 - Dave Miller, NASA Chief Technologist, "NASA Technology Drives Exploration" See flyer for more information.
12:30-1:30, CIRES Auditorium
February 9 - Richard Schaden, EAB Member, "The Ethical Forethought of Engineering" See flyer for more information.
3:30-4:30, Fleming 155
February 22 - Francisco Lopez Jimenez, Postdoctoral Associate, MIT, "Mechanics of soft composites: Patterns, instabilities and deployable structures" See flyer for more information.
12:00-1:00pm, Onizuka Conference Room
February 24 - Timotei Centea, Postdoctoral Scholar, USC, "Manufacturing of High-Performance Composites Using Out-of-Autoclave Methods" See flyer for more information.
12:00-1:00pm, DLC Collaboratory
February 29 - Kathryn Matlack, Postdoctoral Researcher, ETH Zurich, "Architected elastic meta-structures" See flyer for more information.
12:00-1:00pm, Onizuka Conference Room
March 4 - John Grunsfeld, Associate Administrator for the Science Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters, "Science@NASA" See flyer for more information.
4:00-4:50pm, DLC Collaboratory
March 7 - AeroSpace Ventures Seminar - David Miller, NASA, "NASA Technology Drives Exploration (And How You Can Get Involved" See flyer for more information.
12:00-1:00pm, DLC Collaboratory
March 15 - Brett Tobey, Vice President, Engineering, United Launch Alliance, 鈥淯LA鈥檚 Competitive Transformation鈥
2:00-3:00pm, ECCR 245
April 1 - Dr. Huajian Gao, Walter H. Annenberg Professor of Engineering, Brown University, "Mechanics as an Enabling Tool in Bioinspired Materials and Biological Interactions of Nanomaterials" See flyer for more information.
3:00-5:00pm, Benson 180
April 4 - Natasha Bosanac, Purdue University, "Navigating Chaos: Applications of Dynamical Systems Theory to Astrodynamics and Celestial Mechanics" See flyer for more information.
12:00-1:00pm, Onizuka Conference Room
April 6 - Rodney Cole, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, "Integrating Unmanned Aircraft Systems Safely into the National Airspace System" See flyer for more information.
12:00-1:00pm, Onizuka Conference Room
April 8 - Henrik Hofvander, "The Rules 鈥 Project Management Principles for Complex Projects" See flyer for more information.
4:00-4:45pm, Lockheed Martin Room
April 19 - Tomoko Matsuo, CIRES Scientist, "Between Earth and Space: Data Assimilation and Predictability of the Aerospace Environment" See flyer for more information.
10:00-11:00am, Onizuka Conference Room
April 20 - Jay McMahon, AES Assistant Research Professor, " Enabling a Sustainable Space Economy" See flyer for more information.
12:00-1:00pm, Onizuka Conference Room
April 22 - Greg O'Neill, Mindr Consulting, Mock Lecture
4:00-4:30pm, Lockheed Martin Room
April 25 - Jade Morton, Professor of Electrical Engineering, Colorado State University "Global Navigation Satellite Systems for Remote Sensing Applications" See flyer for more information.
11:00am-12:00pm, Onizuka Conference Room
April 26 - Lt. Col. Kurt Rouser, U.S. Air Force Academy, "Simulating Turbulence with Pitch-Wise Uniformity Across a Turbine Cascade Entrance" See flyer for more information.
3:30-4:30pm, DLC
April 27 - Richard Wirz, Associate Professor, University of California Los Angeles, " Micro Electric Propulsion" See flyer for more information.
12:00-1:00pm, Onizuka Conference Room
May 3 - Brent Minchew, NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, "Observing Glaciers in a Warming World" See flyer for more information.
12:00-1:00pm, Onizuka Conference Room
June 22, 2016听 Danielle Wood, PhD (MIT '12), Space Systems Engineer and Technology Policy Researcher, 鈥淎 Systems Approach to New Opportunities in Earth Observation for the US and Developing Countries鈥
11:00 AM,听 Clark Conference Room Seminar Flyer.
Professional Development Seminar Series
January 14 - Matt Duncan,听CU-颅鈥怋 Strategic Relations Office, "Managing Your Digital Identity"
12:00-12:50, DLC Collaboratory
February 3 - Paul Streit, VP, Sierra Nevada Corporation, "Managing in the Aerospace Industry"
12:00-12:50, DLC Collaboratory
February 18 - Skip Smith, Attorney, Sherman & Howard, "Space Law"
12:00-12:50, DLC Collaboratory
February 23 - Paul Streit, VP, Sierra Nevada Corporation, "Negotiating Skills"
12:00-12:50, DLC Collaboratory
February 25 - Scott Tibbitts, CEO, Katasi, "Aerospace Entrepreneurship"
12:00-12:50, TBD
March 1 - Diane Dimeff, CU-颅鈥怋 AeroSpace Ventures, "Technology Adoption in the Aerospace Industry"
12:00-12:50, TBD
March 10 - Heidi Hostetter, VP, Faustson Tool, "Customer Relations in the Aerospace Industry"
12:00-12:50, DLC Collaboratory
March 30 - Paul Graf, President, Aerospace Solutions, 鈥淥n the Job Success Strategies for New Aerospace Engineers鈥
12:00 - 12:50, DLC Collaboratory
April 7 - Mia Fill, CU-颅鈥怋 Strategic Relations Office, "Crowdsourcing"
12:00-12:50, DLC Collaboratory
Fall 2015
September 11 鈥 Frank Buzzard, (B.S. Aero Eng '74), "International Space Station" See flyer for more information.
2:00-3:00pm, DLC Collaboratory
September 14 - Frank Buzzard, "What has Space Exploration done for you?" See flyer for more information.
3:00-4:00pm, UMC Gallery (2nd floor, SW part of building)
September 25 鈥 AES Assistant Professor Zoltan Sternovsky, "Science enabled by the dust accelerator operated at CU-麻豆影院" 听See flyer for more information.
2:00-3:00pm, DLC Collaboratory
October 2 鈥 Dr. Aude Marzuoli, Georgia Tech, "Data-Driven Analysis of the Resilience of the Air Transportation System"听 See flyer for more information.
12:00-1:00pm, DLC Collaboratory
October 9 鈥 Assistant Professor Alireza Doostan, AES, "On Model Reduction Techniques for Scalable Uncertainty Propagation" See flyer for more information.
2:00-3:00pm, DLC Collaboratory
October 13 - Research Professor James Brasseur, AES, "Two Oddities Related to the Transition in Atmospheric Turbulence Structure from External Forcing" See flyer for more information.
3:30-4:45pm, DLC Collaboratory
October 16 鈥 Professor Xinlin Li, AES, "Advanced Understanding of the Energetic Particle Dynamics in Earth's Inner Magnetosphere" See flyer for more information.
2:00-3:00pm, Onizuka Conference Room
November 13 鈥 Professor Brian Argrow, AES, "Satellite Drag and High-Altitude Entry Dynamics" See flyer for more information.
2:00-3:00pm, KOBL 340
December 4 鈥 Professor Lakshmi Kantha, AES, " A Lifelong Quest for a Better Description of Natural Processes" See flyer for more information.
2:00-3:00pm, DLC Collaboratory
December 11 - Professor Eric Frew, AES, "Toward an Autonomous Airborne Scientist" See flyer for more information.
2:00-3:00, DLC Collaboratory
Spring 2015
January 16 - Nick Pedatella, COSMIC-UCAR, "Upper Atmosphere Variability Due to Meteorological Processes" for additional information.
2:00-3:00pm, DLC Collaboratory
January 23 - Lisa Mazzuca, Goddard SFC, "Satellite-Aided Search and Rescue: NASA Engineering Innovations" for additional information.
2:00-3:00pm, DLC Collaboratory
January 28 - Miguel A. Aguilo, Sandia National Labs, "A General Framework for Mathematical Optimization" for additional information.
12:00-1:00pm, Onizuka Conference Room
January 30 - Jeannette Heiligers, research associate at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland, "Sailing in Space: Novel Mission Concepts for Solar Sail Spacecraft" for additional information.
2:00-3:00pm, DLC Collaboratory
February 3 - Matthew Smith, Vice President - Engineering and Information Technology, ULA, "Destinations in Space and How to Get There" for more information.
3:30-4:30pm, ECCS 1B28
February 6 - Mark Psiaki, Cornell University, "The Blind Tricyclist Problem and a Comparative Study of Nonlinear Filters" for more information.
2:00-3:00pm, DLC Collaboratory
February 13 - Penina Axelrad, Aerospace Engineering Sciences, "GPS Reflections" for additional information.
2:00-3:00pm, DLC Collaboratory
February 17 - Steve Swanson, NASA astronaut
2:00-3:00pm, DLC Collaboratory
February 19 - Gianluca Iaccarino, Stanford University, "The Mathematics of Particle Solar Receivers" for additional information
2:00-3:00pm, DLC Collaboratory
February 20 - Steven Nerem, Aerospace Engineering Sciences, "Weighing Water from Space: How Satellite Technology Is Being Used to Measure Changes in the Earth鈥檚 Water Reservoirs" for additional information.
2:00-3:00pm, Koelbel 330
February 23 - Robert Marshall, Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University, "Lightning Effects in Space" for additional information.
12:00-1:00pm, Onizuka
March 2 - Christopher E. Carr, Research Scientist - Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT, "Seeking and Supporting Life beyond Earth" See flyer for additional information.
12:00-1:00pm, Onizuka
March 9 - Torin Clark, NSBRI First Award Fellow - Jenks Vestibular Physiology Lab, Harvard Medical School, "Human Spaceflight Challenges: Aerospace Human Factors and Astronaut/Pilot Health Concerns" See flyer for additional information.
12:00-1:00pm, DLC Collaboratory
March 13 - Marcus Holzinger, Assistant Professor - Georgia Institute of Technology, "Experimental, Theoretical, and Phenomenological Investigations in Initial Orbit Determination" See flyer for additional information.
2:00-3:00pm, DLC Collaboratory
March 19 - Ken Granlund, Research Engineer, US Air Force Research Laboratory, "Unsteady Fluid Mechanics of Micro Air Vehicles" See flyer for additional information.
3:30-4:30pm, ECCR 200
April 1 - Sara Spangelo, Systems Engineer, JPL "Modeling, Designing, and Optimizing Small Spacecraft Vehicles and Operations" See flyer for additional information.
12:00-1:00pm, DLC Collaboratory
April 3 - Andrzej Banaszuk, United Technology Research Center, "Autonomous and Intelligent Systems at UTRC" for additional information.
2:00-3:00pm, DLC Collaboratory
April 6 - Allison Anderson, Research Fellow and National Space Biomedical Research Institute First Award Fellow, Dartmouth College, "Experimenting with Astronauts: Technology Design to Improve Human Spaceflight" See flyer for additional information
12:00-1:00pm, Onizuka Conference Room
April 8 - Benjamin Woods, Senior Research Officer, Swansea University, "Compiant Morphing Aerostructures for Future Aircraft" See flyer for additional information.
12:00-1:00pm, DLC Collaboratory
April 10 - Carol Anne Clayson, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, "Variability and Uncertainty in the Surface Heat and Water Fluxes over the Ocean" See flyer for additional information.
2:00-3:00pm, Koelbel 330
April 16 - Ba Tuong Vo, Associate Professor - Curtin University, "Beyond the PHD Filter: Advances in Random Set Approaches to Multi-Object Estimation" See flyer for additional information.
10:00-11:00am, Onizuka Conference Room
April 16 - Andres Arrieta, "Structural Nonlinearity: Performance Augmentation & Novel Functionalities" See flyer for additional information.
11:30-12:30, DLC Collaboratory
April 17 - Peretz P. Friedmann, University of Michigan, "On Blade Control of Rotor Vibration, Noise and Performance - Just Around the Corner?" See flyer for additional information.
2:00-3:00pm, Koelbel 330
April 24 - Sonia Martinez, Professor at UCSD, "Optimal Deployment for Mobile Robots" See flyer for additional information.
2:00-3:00pm, Koelbel 330
April 29 - Marcin Pilinski, Research Engineer and Scientist, ASTRA, "The Emergence of Small Satellite Platforms as a Means of Developing New Technologies" See flyer for additional information.
12:00-1:00pm, DLC Collaboratory
Fall 2014
Visiting Scholar/AES Seminars
September 17 - Dr. Ryan Starkey, Assistant Professor, AES Faculty Research Seminar
12:00-1:00pm, DLC Collaboratory
September 30 - Dr. James L. Garrison,Associate Professor of Aeronautics and Astronauticsat Purdue University, "Signals of Opportunity (SoOp) Reflectometry for Earth Remote Sensing (the 鈥+鈥 in GNSS+R)" See flyer for more information.
11:00-12:00pm, ECCR 151
October 10 - Dr. Mark Vincent, Senior Principal Systems Engineer - Raytheon Intelligence, Information & Services, "The Risks and Rewards of Flying in the A-Train Constellation" See flyer for more information.
2:00-3:00pm, KOBL 210
October 24 - Dr. Russ Cummings, Professor and Department Chair of USAFA, "Unsteady Aerodynamics Modeling for Aircraft Maneuvers: A New Approach Using Time-Dependent Surrogate Modeling" for more information.
2:00-3:00pm, KOBL 210
November 7 - Dr. Dan Mote, President of the National Academy of Engineering, "What's Coming, Whether We Like It or Not" for more information.
3:30pm Reception - Benson Atrium; 4:00-5:00pm Lecture - Benson 180
November 10 - Dr. James Brasseur, The Pennsylvania State University, "Atmospheric Dynamics and Wind Turbine Response from High Performance Computing" for more information.
3:00-4:00pm, DLC Collaboratory
November 14 - Dr. Dale Lawrence, Professor, AES Faculty Research Seminar
2:00-3:00pm, DLC Collaboratory
December 5 - Dr. Dave Klaus, Associate Professor, AES Faculty Research Seminar
2:00-3:00pm, DLC Collaboratory
Professional Development Seminar Series
October 16 - Simona Kelley, Director of Army Avionics Programs, Northrop Grumman Electronics Systems, "Program Management: New Paradigms in Affordability Management" for more information.
2:00-3:00pm, DLC Collaboratory
October 27 - Henrick Holfvander, Former CEO, Zolo Technologies, "Effective Strategy Execution"
12:00-1:00pm, DLC Collaboratory
November 10 - Paul Graf, President, Aerospace Solutions, "Finding Jobs in the Aerospace Industry"
12:00-1:00pm, DLC Collaboratory
December 1 - Cassie Lee, SNC, "Substance & Style: The Importance of Technical Communications"
12:00-1:00pm, DLC Collaboratory
Summer 2014
Visiting Scholar/AES Seminars
July 18 - Mark Campbell, Cornell University, "Perceiving Complex Scenes for Autonomous Driving"
12:00-1:00PM, DLC Collaboratory
July 23 - Dr. Emmanuel Delande, Heriot-Watt University, "A Novel Mathematical Framework for Tracking Multiple Targets"
2:00-3:00PM, Onizuka Conference Room
July 30 - Daniel Clark, Heriot-Watt University, "Recent Developments in Multi-target Tracking"
2:00-3:00PM, Onizuka Conference Room
August 18 - , "From Laboratory to Flightline: Case Studies of Operationalizing Energy Efficient Technologies"
11:00-12:00PM, DLC Bechtel Collaboratory
Spring 2014
Visiting Scholar/AES Seminars
January 14 - Professor Hermann Matthies, Technische University Braunschweig, 鈥淧arameter identification and tensor approximation鈥
12:00鈥1:00PM, Clark Conference Room (ECAD 150)
January 17 -Professor Hermann Matthies, Technische University Braunschweig, "Parameter & Inverse Problems"
12:00-1:00PM, DLC
January 21 - Matt Smith, VP of ULA in charge of Engineering and Development, "The Current State of the Launch Industry and Future Prospects"
3:30-4:45PM, ECCS 1B28
January 22 - Professor Xinlin Li, "Our First Student CubeSat Mission: Concept to Reality and Impact"
7:30PM (Doors open at 7:00PM), LASP Space Sciences Building Rm. W-120
February 14 - Center for Aerospace Structures Seminar: Professor Joerg F. Wagner, German SOFIA Institute, University of Stuttgart, "Integrated Motion Measurement of Large Structures"
11:00-12:00PM, Onizuka Conference Room
February 20 - Dr. Cinzia Zuffada, Associate Chief Scientist, JPL, "The dawn of Earth remote sensing with Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) Reflectometry"
1:00-2:00PM, ECCR 135
February 24听- Dr. Luigi Ricci Moretti, Chief Project Engineer for Special Research Projects at AgustaWestland,听"AgustaWestland's Project Zero: Building a Vision"听听
12:00-1:00PM, DLC Collaboratory
February 27 - Professor Kerri Cahoy, Boeing Assistant Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics at MIT, "CubeSats for Science and Communications"
4:00-5:00PM, ECCR 135
February 27 - Professor Jack Burns, Astrophysical & Planetary Sciences, CU 麻豆影院
11:00-12:00PM, ECCR 150
March 3 - Dr. Ying Wu, Division of Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Science and Engineering at KAUST, "Elastic Metamaterials and Effective Medium Theory: Towards the Formation of a Material that is Neither a Solid Nor a Liquid" See flyer for details.
4:00-5:00PM, Onizuka Conference Room (ECAE 199)
March 6 - Don Pettit, NASA Astronaut, "Innovative Science on the ISS"
5:00-6:50pm, ECCR 200
March 14 - Professor Jim Slavin, Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences at University of Michigan, "Space Weather"
12:00-1:00PM, DLC Collaboratory
March 19 - Dr. Howard Singer, Chief Scientist, NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center, "Predicting Space Weather: Challenges for Research"
12:00-1:00PM, Onizuka Conference Room
April 4 - Aerospace Engineering Distinguished Lecture: Dr. George Karniadakis,Professor of Applied Mathematics at Brown University, "From Stochastic Modeling to Fractional Modeling: New Tools in Large-Scale Simulations" See flyer for details.
4:00-5:00PM, ECCR 200
April 9 - Professor Kristine Larson, AES Professor Research Seminar, "A New Kind of Remote Sensing: Using GPS Ground Networks to Monitor Soil Moisture, Snow Depth, and Vegetation Growth"
12:00-1:00PM, Onizuka Conference Room
April 10 - Dr. Anna-Maria Rivas McGowan, Aeronautics Research Directorate, NASA Langley, "Transforming the Practice of Engineering for Large Complex Systems"
4:00-5:00PM, ECCR 150
April 11 - Dr. Anna-Maria McGowan, Aeronautics Research Directorate, NASA Langley, "Aviation - On Demand"
11:00-11:50AM, ECCR 135
April 14 - Tomoko Matsuo, CIRES and Space Weather Prediction Center, NOAA, "From Earth to Space: Data Assimilation as Engineering Solutions for Ozone Monitoring, Satellite and Space Debris Tracking and Beyond"
1:30PM, LASP SPSC W120
April 16听- Professor Ken Jansen, AES Professor Research Seminar, "Massively Parallel Simulation of Aerodynamic Flow Control"
12:00-1:00PM, Onizuka Conference Room
April 16 - Robert A. Marshall, Stanford University Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, "The Artificial Relativistic Electron Beam"
4:00PM, LASP SPSC W120
April 18 - Charles Bolden, NASA Administrator, "NASA's Roadmap to Tomorrow's Missions"听See flyer听for details.
2:30PM, East Stadium Club
April 30听- Professor Sedat Biringen, AES Professor Research Seminar
12:00-1:00PM, Onizuka Conference Room
Professional Development Seminar Series
February 3 - Paul Streit, VP of Programs, Sierra Nevada Space Systems, "Working in an Aerospace Company (vs. other industry companies)"
12:00-1:00PM, DLC Collaboratory
February听10 - Matt Duncan, Social Media Manager, CU 麻豆影院, "Managing Your Digital Identity"
12:00-1:00PM, ECCR 135
February 24 - Steve Schmutzer, Entrepreneur, "Standing on Scars (Turning Wounds into Wins)"
12:00-1:00PM, ECCR 135
March 17 - Verinder Syal, Former CEO, Rymer Seafood, "Judgement and Decision Making"
12:00-1:00PM, DLC Collaboratory
March 31 - Paul Graf, President, Aerospace Solutions LLC, "On the Job Success Strategies for New Aerospace Engineers"
12:00-1:00PM, DLC Collaboratory
April 7 - Diane Dimeff, AES Scholar in Residence, "Innovation and Technology Adoption in the Aerospace Industry"
12:00-1:00PM, DLC Collaboratory
April 14 - Tyson Bareis, Attorney at McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP, "Aerospace Intellectual Property"
12:00-1:00PM, ECCR 135