- Getting into college is a process, and it starts early in high school. Here are six things you can do your sophomore and junior years to help you along your journey.
- Part of doing well academically is getting to know yourself better—how you learn, what you like to study and your thought process. We have six tips to help you discover your learning style.
- Writing the personal essay for your college application can be tough, but we’re here to help.
- At CU Â鶹ӰԺ, we have eight colleges, schools and programs that can set you up for success. Of all our options, which one are you?
- From personal goals to career goals, we have some unique features to help you design your future.
- What makes CU Â鶹ӰԺ different from the rest is our customized education.
- Learn about what interests you and how to establish an individualized educational journey at CU Â鶹ӰԺ.
- Part of doing well academically is getting to know yourself better—how you learn, what you like to study and your thought process. We have six tips to help you discover your learning style.
- Getting into college is a process, and it starts early in high school. Here are six things you can do your sophomore and junior years to help you along your journey.
- Take advantage of your summer to learn more about yourself and your goals. Check out three easy ways to expand your comfort zone and prepare for the college search.