PseudoNoise Interferometry

Project Description This project will investigate the unique mathematical properties of maximal-length, Pseudo -Noise (PN) codes generated by a linear feedback shift register, and how these properties can be capitalized on for a new approach to remote sensing. Two optical or microwave/THz transmitters will be used to broadcast mutually-coherent, wideband,...

GUI Development for Interactive Computational Network Explorer

Project Description This project requires the skills of a motivated student with a CS background to develop a high-performance graphical user interface that allows users to interact with Computational Pattern-Producing Networks. Our lab uses CPPN representations to control the geometry of soft robotic actuators, and investigates the application of automated...

Computational Design and 3D Printing of Robot Structures and Entire Robots

Project Description Imagine having a piece of software that could understand what you wanted a robot to look like without you needing to actually design the robot. This tool would convert your specifications about robot capabilities into a robot physical design. This is the tool that we’re building in the...

An AVID Project: Scientific Programming

Feb. 15, 2022

Project Description Very Low Frequency (VLF) radio waves can be used to understand the Earth’s ionosphere, a region of energetic charged particles and plasma that forms the boundary between the atmosphere and space proper. Our lab is completing the redesign of our VLF receivers in order to deploy an Array...

An AVID Project: Remote Sensing Instrumentation Hardware and Electronics

Project Description Very Low Frequency (VLF) radio waves can be used to understand the Earth’s ionosphere, a region of energetic charged particles and plasma that forms the boundary between the atmosphere and space proper. Our lab is completing the redesign of our VLF receivers in order to deploy an Array...

SynBioHub3 - An Interactive Genetic Design Repository

Project Description The goal of this project is to improve the performance, capacity, usability, and scalability of SynBioHub, a next-generation repository for managing synthetic biology projects. SynBioHub3 will store designs for engineered biological systems, information about plans and protocols for the construction and experimentation on these designs, the experimental data...

Solar Flare Prediction using Extreme Ultraviolet Time Series Data

Project Description In this project, the student will participate in the use of machine learning models to predict solar magnetic eruptions (more colloquially known as "solar flares"). Solar flares and associated coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are the main drivers of Earth-impacting space weather events, including ionospheric disturbances, geomagnetic storms, and...

Precise Algorithmic Control for Volumetric 3D Printing

Project Description Volumetric Additive Manufacturing (VAM) is a new 3D printing technique in which a centimeter sized part with features smaller than a human hair prints in just a few minutes. VAM works by projecting images into a liquid volume of material from different angles. As more projections occur, light...

Building a Legacy in Engineering

Project Description The Building Legacy in Engineering research project will take an inter-institution approach to create an authentic and scalable inquiry-based, active learning environment focused on sustainable civic innovation. This project is designed to document and validate the approach to be replicated by other university partnerships to strengthen communities. The...

Lightning: Energetic Connections between Earth and Space

Project Description Lightning, an energetic phenomena in our atmosphere, has far reaching effects in space. When lightning strikes, it releases an electromagnetic (EM) pulse that injects energy into the Earth’s magnetosphere. Many spacecraft like the Van Allen Probes measure these EM waves, called lightning generated whistlers (LGWs) due to the...
